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Christmas Trifles

We have got such a wonderful and easy Christmas Trifles recipe. To show off the layers of cake, berries, and custard, a straight-sided glass dish is best. If you don’t have a trifle dish, get creative. Only make what you need and using frozen fruit means you can always make them again. 

Use a clear glass bowl or cookie jar, or even a straight-sided vase. Just make sure the opening at the top is large enough to add all your ingredients and to spoon out portions.


200g Frozen Red Berries

1 Tbsp Maple Syrup, Honey Or Caster Sugar

150ml Double Cream

150ml Fat-Free Yoghurt

½ Tsp Vanilla Essence

8 Sponge Fingers

400g Custard

Sherry, Optional

White and Dark Chocolate, To Decorate

Edible Gold Dust, Optional


  1. Make simple compote by putting your frozen fruit in a pan with your maple syrup, honey or sugar and heating slowly until the fruits stew slightly.
  2. Lightly whip your cream with the vanilla essence and fold in the yoghurt.
  3. Soak your sponge fingers in milk, sherry or your favorite spirit and layer the bottom of each glass with them. Spoon over your berry mixture, then your custard, then your cream in layers until full (depending on the size of your glass, you may only get one layer of each). Hold back a little berry mixture for the top if you wish.
  4. Top with chocolate shavings and adorn with gold dust, if desired!
  5. ADD A BIT OF CHRISTMAS SPARKLE Infuse your compote with star anise and soak the sponge fingers in spicy dark rum for a fabulously festive flavor.

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